Crosswords! Mostly themeless, no set schedule
Crosswords! Mostly themeless, no set schedule
Sorry bout the late post - the last few nights have been rough sleep-wise and I collapsed on the bed instead of polishing up the puzzle. Actually not that sorry at all, the extra sleep was amazing.
Oooooh and make sure you check out Brooke Husic's new site!!
Air is starting to clear up and my kids can hopefully go back outside after a whole week being cooped up. Woohoo!
Today marks one year since I started Puzzles That Need A Home. When I started, I didn't really know how it would turn out. I had 3 or 4 puzzles that I wanted to share somewhere, and hoped to make it a year. I absolutely love having my own tiny little corner of crosswordland. Let's go for another year and see where things are then!
This is a free site, and will almost certainly always be free. The handful of puzzles I sell each year are more than enough for me - to have a hobby that makes money instead of the other way around. That said, I don't feel bad occasionally asking for charitable donations. I love my hometown of Spokane, but it's not without its problems. My ZIP code is the poorest in the entire state of Washington, and we have more than a few white supremacist groups in the area. If you've enjoyed PTNAH throughout the past year, and are able & willing to donate to one of the following organizations, I'd appreciate it. No pressure, no screenshots/receipts necessary.
Our Place Spokane - food, clothing, laundry services for the poor in my neighborhood
Spokane Community Against Racism - advocates to city leaders, organizes protests & activities w/ other groups in the area
Spokane Bail Project - pays bail funds (I think you have to put "Spokane" in the comments of the donation)
On to today's puzzle!