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Showing posts from May, 2021

Puzzle 67 - Themeless #52

Howdy howdy! Thanks again for all the well wishes - everyone is healthy and happy again and it feels great! Feel like my cluing has been in a smidge of a rut lately, so tried to step it up this time around. Bonus points if you can guess what movies we've been watching. Oh, and I've got a couple of nice surprises coming soon :)




Puzzle 66 - Themeless #51

Howdy all. Past few weeks have really stunk around here. Austin got pretty sick with some COVID/post-COVID stuff a few nights back. He's home, doctors aren't worried, and is improving but it's been scary - any and all good vibes, thoughts, prayers, energy etc. sent our way would be appreciated. Cluing this puzzle up kept me sane in the middle of the night - hope y'all enjoy.


