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Showing posts from June, 2024

Puzzle 130 - Themeless #94 (let's ride)

Wanted to get a puzzle out before Westwords...then decided that I loved it so much so I submitted it to our pals at AVCX+ (fingers crossed). So, back to the drawing board and you know what I love this bad boy too! Also if you are at Westwords come say hi! I've never been to a tournament before and am beyond excited to meet so many wonderful folks! See you Sunday!

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Puzzle 129 - Themeless #93 (little green circle marks the spot)

What to do when your kids wake up at 2:30, you finally get them back to sleep around 3, and then you can't get yourself back to sleep? Welp, for me I chose "finish cluing this bad boy" and I'm happy I did. Hope you are too!

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