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Puzzle 40 - Themeless #29

Today marks one year since I started Puzzles That Need A Home. When I started, I didn't really know how it would turn out. I had 3 or 4 puzzles that I wanted to share somewhere, and hoped to make it a year. I absolutely love having my own tiny little corner of crosswordland. Let's go for another year and see where things are then!

This is a free site, and will almost certainly always be free. The handful of puzzles I sell each year are more than enough for me - to have a hobby that makes money instead of the other way around. That said, I don't feel bad occasionally asking for charitable donations. I love my hometown of Spokane, but it's not without its problems. My ZIP code is the poorest in the entire state of Washington, and we have more than a few white supremacist groups in the area. If you've enjoyed PTNAH throughout the past year, and are able & willing to donate to one of the following organizations, I'd appreciate it. No pressure, no screenshots/receipts necessary.

Our Place Spokane - food, clothing, laundry services for the poor in my neighborhood

Spokane Community Against Racism - advocates to city leaders, organizes protests & activities w/ other groups in the area

Spokane Bail Project - pays bail funds (I think you have to put "Spokane" in the comments of the donation)

On to today's puzzle!



